Thursday, July 7, 2011

Time Management - Learning Time Management Skills

Learning time management skills are like any other skill in that it takes time to develop them and you must make regular use of them to keep them sharp. Depending on your job or life people often focus on different aspects of time management, but here we will focus on learning time management skills that most people will find useful.

1. The top skill is to learn to focus on what is most meaningful for you today. Most people get caught up in trying to accomplish trivial tasks so they can feel good about crossing them off the to do list. What you need to do is focus on what one or two tasks are most important for you to do that day and get them done first. Time management often comes down to a mental state of whether or not you feel like you are in control of your time.

2. The second skill to learn is long-term time management. Where do you want to be six months from now? By knowing that answer, it should dictate what you need to accomplish today. Set your long-term goals and then break them down into weekly or daily tasks, so you are gradually building towards them.

3. The third and some might argue the most important skill is the daily review. At the end of the day examine what you accomplished that day. Ask yourself about what parts of the day you managed efficiently and what parts you did not. By just doing this one time management skill daily you can rapidly accomplish any goal. As the famous quote says 'an unexamined life is not worth living.'

4. The fourth major time management skill to learn is having a commitment to continued learning. As you advance in your career and life the time management skills that got you were you are will likely not get you to where you want to go. So by learning new skills on a regular basis you can continue advancing in your management of time.
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